Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Well I'm starting to reflect on my time here in Saskatoon. I can't say it's been a wonderful year but it has been a good experience. I have many pictures and special words on my wall. The one above my computer means a lot to me and is a daily reminder for me. So I decided (with permission) to share these words with you. They were written by my friend Jason the day after I left Vancouver in August.

this road

like dorthys

goes to emerald palaces

that lose their luster

that are ruled by little

men behind their collars.

do not pay attention to

the emerald palace

shun its false luster.

life is not in the journey,

that is a lie,

life is in the companions.

keep one eye on the road,

an ear open for God

and the rest of your sense

looking for your own

straw man and tin man.

why else travel?

~ Jason Derr


Demara said...

haha that was really neat Kristen! I like how all the words meld together so nicely~