Well I made it. I preached this morning at LUMS and I think it went well but it was definitely an adventure getting there. I picked up a mom and two of my youth at their home at 8:20 and we headed downtown. Just as we were getting over the Cambie St. bridge my car was making this horrible noise and I wasn't sure what was going on. There was smoke coming out of the back of my car and so we pulled over and I had a flat tire. So we pulled over and changed the tire (thanks Denyse!), it was also low on air so we knew we had to get to a gas station and fill it up. We got back in the car and the car wouldn't start. The battery was dead. I have left my lights on soooo many times that my car has no battery life left so my battery goes dead in no time flat. So we finally managed convince someone to do U-turn and face on coming traffic to jump my car. On to the gas station we went and filled up the flat and got to LUMS at 9:30. At 10 the service started, I did my assisting minister thing then preached and all was well. So now I have to borrow more money from my mom and get a new tire. It's so lovely when these things happen when the bank account is at 0! Anyways, I got lots of positive feedback from the people in the pews on my sermon. I'm off to get ready for the birthday party tonight. Got to bake cakes, buy food and maybe some decorations, see how far the visa reaches! It's beautiful here today, hot and sunny, drove home with the windows down. I love the west coast!
Episode 68 - "We're Back!"
6 years ago
Just thought I'd let you know I'm reading :D I have a slight obsession with reading blogs, so I added yours to my list :D
i love you lots. you were such a dear host this evening. i am still drunk on all the sugar i ate and all the laughing i did post party. i hope that you have a slightly better day tomorrow without flat tires. ;)
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