Well, I made it through week one of many weeks. Classes are great. I'm taking Globalization & Ethics, Theology II, Biblical Theology, Pastoral Care & Counseling and the Psalter in Human Faith. Two of my classes seem to have professors who are very interested in topics other than the ones they are teaching in that particular class (i.e. they are specialists in other areas only kind of related to the particular class I am taking with them). This makes things slightly frustrating but the other classes very much make up for it. I had a great weekend with a nice balance of socializing and studying. The weather here has turned miserable. It is very much like a Vancouver winter. About 3-5 degrees and wet and rainy. I thought it was supposed to be dry out here! Apparently it will dry out this week. I bought a down vest, down jacket, wool coat and some sweaters and a scarf from a seminary friend on Saturday. They're all only a year old and so they're all in great shape. It will likely be the only time in my life when I own a $250 down vest!
I'm still loving my place. I had three friends over for dinner on Friday night and cooked maple glazed roasted chicken, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and salad. Saturday night a group of us from the seminary went out to my housemate's soccer team's beer night. $10 got people all the beer they can drink for a two hour span. We had a great time. It was fun to see my two Saskatoon worlds come together. Last night my housemates and I had dinner together and it was good, we were all kind of tired and my housemates were recovering from the beer night so it was a pretty quiet dinner.
I will post some pictures of orientation and other stuff from the past little while. On to worship, then home to make shepherd's pie and back to school to work in the library.
Episode 68 - "We're Back!"
6 years ago
Enjoy your time in Seminary. It is a very rewarding (although also challenging) time.
mmmm maple glazed roast chicken - sounds like wonderful comfort food... Carolyn L.
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