I've come to that point in the semester, anyone who has been in seminary knows what I'm talking about, that point where all is no longer rosy. There is more sinner coming out in us than saint. We as a community are past the honeymoon state and our brokenness begins to emerge. This week has been tough. It began last week with some comments in a class that deeply bothered me and continued over the weekend with a friend showing up on my doorstep on Sunday evening in tears because of the action and words of others in the community. This week I had to confront someone who was gossiping about a friend in front of me. I continue to struggle in one particular class. I struggle to find my place in this community. I have had some wonderful, encouraging conversations but also some that are concerning and disturbing. I went for a walk last night after 6 hours straight of class while waiting for a friend and just walked around the seminary building and prayed. I am looking forward to a weekend of fun, fellowship and hopefully some rest. Part of the reason for my struggle is that I haven't slept well in almost two weeks. I know that I dont' handle life well when I'm tired and I definitely react more negatively to things when I haven't had sleep. And so I continue this journey trusting in God to sustain me and lead me. Trusting that God will continue to give me words to speak and the confidence to stay quiet when needed.
This will be my first thanksgiving away from home. One of my housemates and I are planning a thanksgiving dinner for Sunday night and then I'm going to a fellow student's home on Monday for another dinner.
I will be home for a visit very soon and am going away with friends while I'm home. I hope you are all doing well. Would love emails, phone calls or even comments!
Episode 68 - "We're Back!"
6 years ago
Hey Kristen, sorry to hear about no more honeymoon (though it had to happen)...sounds like healthy challenge.
Are some of my other friends there this year too (Sean/Anno, Gretchen)??
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