Well, April has been a crazy month, and it's the end, yay! April included finishing up at VST (saying goodbyes, papers, exams, integrating oral, year end party), Easter, and this weekend Synod Convention and a wedding. Synod convention meant I had a ton of work to be done before this weekend came and after papers were done (last Friday). So this past week was busy with going to the office and working from home and school. I had to make sure the youth assembly that was coming knew when and where to come and what to bring. I had to put together a display table about youth ministry in the synod. I also had t-shirts to sell and a workshop to prepare and lead (with Jason thank goodness!). Somewhere in there I had to get a wedding present and attend a wedding in the middle of convention, yikes! I made it through. Convention was great, our current bishop was re-elected quickly, which is wonderful. I heard the president of the seminary speak and he was fantastic, makes me excited to go to LTS. I also got to reconnect with lots of friends and colleagues. The youth did a fantastic job (highlight of the convention as usual said many delegates!). I came home exhausted and just had a two hour nap and am going to veg in front of the TV tonight ignoring my car full of stuff that needs to be unloaded and put away.
I was looking at my stat counter earlier and noticed that people have been visiting lots but no one's leaving comments. If you're a reader and you haven't left a comment leave a comment to let me know who's reading! I'm going to try to post some pictures for the next post. Can't wait to start summer tomorrow. The Cache Creek trip is still in the works and I have to book my flight to Saskatoon in the next day or two but tomorrow is a much needed day off, yahoo!
Episode 68 - "We're Back!"
6 years ago
How the heck do you get a stat counter?!! I want one!!!! Mommmiiieeee, it's no fair!!! She got one and I didn't!! Whaaaa...
Ok... ok... um really how did you create a counter for your site?
Hi Lisa-Marie. You too can get your own stat counter by going to www.statcounter.com and following the instructions provided. All for the ridiculously low price of $0. That's right Lisa-Marie you too can get a stat counter today!
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