Thursday, November 09, 2006

Please Pray

I received this news from my mom a few hours ago. I have talked to her and we are still awaiting test results. My brother had been gone for tests for about 3 hours when I talked to her. Here is her email:

Thought I should let you know that Dave is in VGH undergoing tests. He is doing much better today. He had a stroke last night that affected the right side of his body, making it difficult for him to move his arm or leg, and slurring his speech. Fortunately I was home and he called me. He was transported by ambulance to VGH and they admitted him and gave him a CT scan and other tests. His major arteries were clear and there was no bleeding in the brain. They were about to administer a strong anti-clotting medication (TPA, which causes massive bleeding in about 5% of patients, but was the treatment recommendation of the neurologists involved and was approved by Dave) when most of his ability to move and speak returned. The treatment was altered to 4 aspirin and at about 3 a.m. he was admitted to the neurology ICU, which is where he is now. They are doing a Doppler to check his legs (for clots, I’m assuming) and an ECG to check the heart.

Ryan and Jessie (Dave’s girlfriend) are there now, but Dave had gone for tests when they arrived. I am at home, but plan to go in this afternoon or whenever he is back in the ward.

God was watching over us, because I was supposed to be out at a dinner meeting and had decided not to go because I had Book Fair stuff to complete and I have a bad cold so I went home. Ryan and Pam had just left before Dave came home from working at SportMart. He and I spoke downstairs for about 10-15 mins., and then he headed upstairs to get some paperwork he needed to complete. That’s when he called me. He had planned to go to Jessie’s but then she decided she would come here. He could have been home alone or driving, so it could have been much worse. Right now we re in a holding pattern until the doctors complete the battery of tests. I’ll let you know when I know more. In the meantime, prayers would be welcomed.

I will post updates as I hear more.